Monday, November 22, 2010

Our Vegan Thanksgiving

I get to make Thanksgiving dinner this year! I have had such fun mulling over the possibilities ever since our November storage box arrived last week from Driftless Organics. It was jam packed with tons of root vegetables that I plan to transform into a hearty, vegan Thanksgiving. If I were not the mother of a newborn, 2 year old and 4 year old I would probably double the dishes I plan to make. However, I will take it slow this year and imagine the possibilities for years to come. Here's the current menu I plan to make...I'll write post-Thanksgiving with the final recipes and to see how it all turned out.

Shepard's Pie
Beet Salad with Black Spanish Radish, Walnuts and Greens
Savory Dressing
Pumpkin Biscuits

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

These days...

These days I'm still cooking but with very little time to take pictures, etc. So, perhaps I will still share the meals we are devouring as a family; however, I think I may be writing more about my days. I find myself having conversations with myself over and over again in my head, as I am the only person over the age of four in this house of dudes for the majority of the day. This veggie mama needs an outlet.

I'm now the mama of three dear, sweet boys. Three! I still find myself in shock from time to time that I am responsible for the safety and livelihood of these guys. They are amazing. They are beautiful. They are a handful. I've never been so tired in my life. We start our day by 5:15am nearly every single day. 5:15! Daylight Savings actually has been a gift to me. I love the early sun and the early sunset. It actually grooves well with our daily rhythm. Most days I've been incredibly productive before 8am and already been spit up on or peed on a few times.

Life is blurry but life is good.

Dinner tonight: Sweet Potato Maafe