Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cabbage Pasta

My new favorite quick fix for lunch when there seems to be nothing around is Cabbage Pasta. This was inspired by Urban Vegan's Quickie Halushki. Since fall, we've had an abundance of cabbage in our house from our CSA, and it is still incredibly cheap at the co-op. Plus, cabbage and pasta are two of my fave foods. This is perfect.

1 cup pasta (penne, as pictured, isn't great for this. Choose something thinner like macaroni or noodles)
1 quarter of a cabbage, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
salt and pepper
couple dashes of tamari
couple dashes of Srircha sauce (optional)

Cook pasta in boiling water for 8-10 minuets. Saute cabbage with salt and pepper to taste in olive oil until soft. Add garlic until fragrant (30 seconds). Add tamari and Srircha. Stuff your face.

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